Here you determine your personal general user preferences. There are more settings under the bar Print settings. These are described in the next section.
A click on this button opens a dialog box for changing your password, see the sections Change password und Print settings.
The banks make a user profile available using the order type HTD. This option determines whether changes are automatically retrieved. You can also update active bank connections in the bank settings if you have initiated changes at your bank. To do this, you need access to the menu item Settings – Banks.
This option determines whether BL Banking Web should record detailed error logs for further error analysis. After switching on, the entire EBICS data traffic of all subsequent actions is logged. Only use the EBICS traces after consulting with the support team and before executing the function Settings – Send analysis data. The user preference switches off automatically after one hour.
If you use the two-factor authentication with the help of a Yubikey, an authenticator app or a web authentication key, you will need one of these keys in addition to your password to log in to the program. With this option, you specify whether your signature for orders and payments must also be authenticated with the key. If the option is activated but no two-factor authentication has been set up, your password is sufficient for logging in and signing.
With this setting, a message is displayed after logging in if there is a new version of the program. Alternatively, you can check for a new version using the update program Update Check (to be found in the start menu or in the installation directory, on Windows by default C:\Program Files\blbankingweb\bin\UpdateCheck.exe
Figure: General user preferences (administrator view including the button System settings)