On this page you can manually retrieve files from the bank. This may be necessary in individual cases, e.g. if an account statement could not be retrieved due to a technical failure. You can then subsequently request missing files. However, these can only be delivered insofar they are still available at the bank.
From the drop-down list Bank, select one of the banks, which you can see on the page Settings - Banks. For setting the order type, a combobox is available, where you can enter STA, for example, if you want to retrieve account statements. Instead, you can also select the desired file from the drop-down list, e.g. EOP:DE_mt940. Clicking on the button next to it will open a dialog box that allows you to configure the BFT. This may be necessary if your bank uses a different BTF than the one specified here. More information about BTFs can be found in the appendix under Order types.
Under Retrieval method, you can specify a period in the date fields, for which files of the order type set above shall be requested from the selected bank. This period does not have to be specified exactly, when missing data shall be retrieved subsequently. If the same account statements were retrieved multiple times, they are not displayed twice, but only the missing ones are added.
The date fields are only displayed if a period has been selected as the retrieval method. In contrast, with the value From the current provision, the files are retrieved that the bank regularly provides to the customers. It should be noted here that this data is deleted by the bank as soon as it has been retrieved, i.e. it is no longer available to another subscriber of the same customer if that subscriber accesses the data with another program.
Figure: Form for retrieving a file