This page can be reached via two ways, from the overview of settings for Accounts by clicking on a line or from the Account overview via the button Properties for a selected account.
There are accounts of different origins:
As a user, you can view the tabs General and Account statements. As an administrator or manager, you can change account details and edit Permissions for users. As an administrator, you can edit all accounts, even if the bank is not assigned to you. Use the button Edit above the tabs to start the editing mode.
This tab contains the basic account data. The following fields can be edited for all accounts:
A name can be a freely chosen designation or a standard name. The standard name consists of the IBAN or the combination bank code/account number, supplemented by the account currency for accounts in foreign currency. If the name has been assigned differently from the standard name, the additional field Standard name is displayed in edit mode. You can use the button at the end of the field to copy the displayed standard name into the field Name. Alternatively, you can enter the desired name manually in the field Name. The account is selected in payment recording based on the name and it is displayed in payment overviews. As an administrator, you can also allow users to rename accounts, see System settings – Account information.
The field Originator is pre-assigned with this entry in payment recording. If you do not want a pre-assignment, remove the entry here. The originator must then always be selected in payment recording.
In this free text field, you can enter internal notes such as interest rates, charges and conditions, readable for yourself or other users with reading permission for this page. Additional information on accounts does not appear in payment details and protocols.
Figure: Form for editing an account (here: account from the HTD or user profile)