On this page, transactions are shown in an overview. If you expand the item Account statements in the main menu and then select Transactions, a page appears with the transactions of all accounts. However, if you click on an account in the account overview, only the transactions of that account will be displayed.
By a click on a line in the overview, a dialog box opens, where the individual fields of the transaction are displayed. With the buttons Previous and Next, you can navigate through the overview and view the individual transactions without leaving the dialog box.
Since after some time, there are a lot of transactions in the system, they are not all displayed at once, but distributed over several pages, through which you can browse with the pager on the right above the overview. The number of transactions per page can be set with the expandable number on the left side. With the button on the right you can restore the default sorting if you changed it by clicking one of the column headers.
Below the page heading, there is a navigation path, which allows you to select the account, for which you want to display the transactions. If you have created account groups, you can also select them. Then, the transactions of all accounts in this account group will be displayed. If you have selected a single account, another link will appear next to it, which allows you to limit the overview to the transactions of individual statements of the account.
If you have set the overview to a single account, an expandable bar appears below the navigation path, which can be used to show the details of the last or currently selected account statement. With the bar expanded, there are three buttons at the bottom of the box. Use the red button to delete the selected account statement. This process must be confirmed in a dialog box. Next to it is the Print button, which allows you to download the currently displayed account statement with the transactions contained in it as a PDF file to your local computer. Accordingly, you can save the data in CSV or original format by clicking Export. For this purpose, a dialog box will be opened where you can choose a conversion.
Below the statement details, there is another print button. With this button, all transactions that are currently in the overview, are downloaded as a PDF file. This includes not only the transactions that are shown on the current page, but all existing transactions, whose number is displayed above the overview. The printing must be confirmed in a dialogue box, in order to prevent that accidentally a huge file with thousands of transactions is produced. Instead, you can use the checkboxes in the left column of the overview to make a selection of transactions and print those. In this case, the file will be downloaded immediately without confirmation. In contrast to the file described in above paragraph, this file does not contain the details of the account statement.
Unlike in the export described above in the paragraph Statement details, here you can save only the transactions and these only as a CSV file. By clicking on the button, a dialog box will be opened, where you can choose a conversion, but not the original format. If you do not mark a line in the overview, all the transactions will be exported. If you click on the checkbox in the header, only the transactions on the page will be marked, where you have browsed with the pager. In any case, the number of selected transactions is shown in the dialog box.
Clicking on Filter transactions opens a dialog box, where you can select or enter values in several fields, by which the overview is filtered. After a click on Submit, the dialog box closes and the overview is displayed filtered. This is also indicated with a yellow bar. Click the button again to deactivate the filter. A further click opens the dialog box with the previously entered values, which can be changed there or deleted by clicking Reset.
With a click on this menu item, an AWV notification will be created for the marked transaction. This can be viewed in the overview AWV report data and completed from there. You can also create notifications for multiple transactions at the same time.
Figure: Overview of the transactions