To edit a user, click on his row in the User administration overview. Unlike when adding, this page contains a button bar and additional information on the tab General. The other tabs are the same. The actions Reset user password, Duplicate and Login lock are also available on the overview page in the menu More actions.
Click the button Edit at the top to be able to make changes. Save changes with the button Submit at the bottom of the page. You can use the button Discard changes to undo changes and exit edit mode without closing the page.
The additional information area shows the following details:
The button is for emergencies in which a user has permanently forgotten his password, not for assigning a regular new password. As the existing EBICS keys can only be opened with the old password, all of the user's bank connections are deactivated. The user must reinitialize at all banks. The user's data is retained. The button opens a dialog box in which you assign a temporary password that the user can use once to log in and must change immediately. If the user has activated bank connections, you can check the checkbox Enable the new initialisation of the user on the bank side to speed up initialization. Without this option, the user must contact all banks before he can reinitialize, see Banks – Initialization.
This field is read-only. It shows the license code that you have received from Business-Logics. If the number of users of the license has been changed during operation, you must select Update license data from the menu More actions once for any user.
If there is a user that you can use as a template for a new user, select him in the overview and use the action Duplicate to transfer the license code, permissions, tenant assignment, bank selection and account selection. Only a new password needs to be assigned. The name of the copied user is automatically supplemented with a number so that the name is unique. It is advisable to adapt the name. The new user requires his own subscriber IDs from the banks. You can enter these on the Select banks tab. Users can enter their subscriber IDs themselves, either when they first log in or in the bank settings.
If the user uses a two-factor authentication method, indicated by the Active note in the information area, you can edit his security key. Select Remove two-factor authentication from the menu More actions. This leads you to the page Manage two-factor authentication for user …, which displays an overview of the user's security keys. Information on this page can be found in section Two-factor authentication. You can change the description or delete a selected security key of the user, but you cannot create a new one. If you use two-factor authentication yourself, you need one of your own security keys to delete it.
With a login lock you can prevent users who should not currently be working in the system from logging in. A locked user is immediately logged out of an open work session. Select Release login for unlocking. The user can log in with the old login data, all bank connections and data remain unchanged. You can also release a login lock if the user has made too many incorrect entries when logging in or signing in the EDS. The action Login lock is also available in the menu More actions of the overview. There, Release login corresponds to the button Reset in the error column.
Note that a locked manager can be unlocked by an administrator or another manager of the same tenant, an administrator can only be unlocked by another administrator.
Figure: Editing a user