The fields Database, JDBC URL and User contain the connection data currently used for the database. If not changed during installation, the settings of the H2 database provided by default are displayed.
Below the connection data there are buttons for migration, diagnostics and account merging. Note that these buttons are reserved for special cases and are only to be used after consulting the support.
The application data can be migrated to another database, that was previously installed separately. By clicking this button the page Database migration is loaded, where you can enter the connection data to the new database and start the process. If BL Banking Web is running in cluster mode, migration is not possible in this way und the button is missing.
By clicking this button the page SQL Debugger opens, where you can enter SQL commands to the database and execute them. This function is intended exclusively for diagnostic purposes.
If the account numbers in account statements do not match the account numbers of the accounts available in BL Banking Web, the accounts cannot be assigned to each other and appear twice. This button can be used to identify such accounts and merge them manually.
Figure: Database settings