On this page, the files are displayed, which were created by the automatic execution and manual triggering of exports. The directories displayed in the overview are usually located on the server, where BL Banking Web is running or on a network drive, on which the server has access.
If you mark one or more lines in the overview, you can click the button Load as ZIP file. The marked files will then be packed into a ZIP file and downloaded to your local computer.
Files are deleted by selecting them in the overview, clicking the red button and confirming the operation in the dialog box. If files are deleted outside of BL Banking Web directly in the directory, they remain visible in the overview, but without the information in the columns Creation time and File size.
A click on a line in the overview opens a dialog box, where you can use the button Load file to download the file unpacked to your computer. With the buttons Previous and Next you can browse through the lines of the overview.
Figure: Overview of the exported files