This page displays an overview of posting balances and value date balances. The value date balance refers to the balance of all advised transactions for an account at a certain point in time, without the transactions that have already been booked but not yet posted. Value date balances are not provided by the bank — these are instead calculated by BL Banking Web.
In the navigation path below the heading, you can expand the account description and select the account for the balance overview. With the button Export overview, the balance overview will be downloaded to your local computer as a file in the CSV format.
If an advice was retrieved for an account, balances are displayed in the column Value date balance incl. advice, which includes the transactions from the advice. Advices are referred to transactions in your account that have already been booked, but their value will only be posted at a later point in time.
Please note that the value date balances are dated in the future and have not been posted. They are displayed merely for your information.
Figure: Overview of the balances