Transmission report

After sending an order, BL Banking Web generates a transmission report. As an administrator, you can configure which information is displayed to all users in this report and how it is printed.

Display payment details in transmission report and transmission dialog

By default, the transactions contained in the files are displayed in the transmission report and when printing from the page Sign order. If very large files are frequently sent, you should uncheck this setting. The transmission reports can otherwise become very large.

Print only one payment details table per page

For payment orders, which consist of multiple logical files, a table with the payments contained is printed for each logical file. By default, each of these tables starts on a new page. Switch this setting off to print payment detail tables directly one after the other.

Notes: A logical file consists of multiple payments, which have the same order type, originator account, execution date and other data. Multiple logical files arise, for example, when payments with different originator accounts are located in one order.
In the personal user preferences there is a setting of the same name with a reversed default setting that relates to printing from the EDS.

Figure: System settings for the transmission report