Here you determine your personal user preferences for recording payments. There are more settings under the bars SEPA payments, Display settings and Print settings. These are described in the following sections.
By default, payments can only be recorded with a valid IBAN and BIC or bank code and account number. You can allow the recording of invalid bank details. However, IBAN and BIC are checked for correct format.
Determines, whether after a successful payment recording, a new page for recording is displayed always, never, or on request.
By default, all payments are collected into a single file and transmitted as a batch. If you activate this checkbox, each payment is sent in a separate file. As a result, you will receive each payment listed individually on your account statement and not the total of a file containing many items.
When sending external files, the system checks by default whether the originator accounts contained in the files actually exist in the overview of accounts and whether they really belong to the selected bank. You can allow unknown originator accounts by activating the checkbox.
The initialization is used to link originators to accounts for each payment type (SEPA, DTAZV or MT101) when recording a new payment. By default, the last selected values are pre-filled. The option With fixed values pre-fills default values in the payment recording, i.e. the default account for a selected originator and the default originator for a selected account, depending on the payment type. The first payment recorded after setting this option generates the initialization for the following payments.
Together with the system setting Allow originator recording, the following applies: If there is no originator for an account, the account holder is suggested as the originator in the payment recording. Furthermore, you can enter a default account per payment type in the originator recording. If your user data include the permission to view banks and accounts, you can enter a default originator for each payment type in the account settings.
This setting limits the display of the drop-down list from which recipients can be selected to 200 by default. The drop-down list does not appear in the field if there are more recipients than set here. Regardless of this, you can search for text by entering it in the field and receive a list of suitable recipients.
In the payment recording, the recipient can be selected from a drop-down list. In certain cases, e.g. after importing a payment file, the fields of a payment are already filled. If you do not want that the recipient data in such a payment are updated by a selection from the drop-down list, deactivate this checkbox.
This button at the bottom of the page supplements the support function of BL Banking Web. While a payment is being edited, a temporary lock in the database prevents other users from being able to edit it at the same time. Occasionally, payments remain locked in the database even though editing has been completed. If you notice that a payment cannot be edited that no user is working on, you can unlock all unintentional locks in the database by clicking on this button. An info bar shows whether and how many payments have been unlocked.
Figure: User preferences for payment recording