
This tab shows your subscriber's permissions on fetch and send order types of the bank, i.e. the customer. If you have permission for all order types, the entries here match those on tab Order types. If any order types are missing under Permissions, your subscriber is not authorized for these.

The column contains the order type consisting of three letters and numbers or the BTF in the same display as on the tab Order types. There you will find a description of the type if required.

For banking order types, your subscriber permission may be restricted to certain amounts and accounts. Amounts and accounts are not relevant for technical order types.

No entry means that you can submit payments for this order type to the bank for an unlimited amount. An amount limit means that payments are only accepted up to the specified amount. If an amount but no account is entered, the amount limit applies to all accounts. The bank rejects payments with higher amounts and the payment is assigned the status Amount exceeds limit (AM21). Note that an amount limit can refer to different units (file, day, week or month).

No entry in the line of an order type means that you have permission for all accounts. If your permission applies to individual accounts, one line per account and order type is displayed. An amount limit can vary per account. An amount limit can vary per account so that several lines are displayed.

Signature class
The signature class is additionally displayed for send order types. The signature class can be assigned to your participant in general, per order type and for all or individual accounts. There is one line for each individual account. If a different Permission on limit overrun is entered, two lines are displayed for this.

Notes: If you are missing order types, you can request permission from the bank. Alternatively, an administrator can switch off an permission check in the system settings for payment recording to allow all users to enter payments for order types for which they are not permitted by the bank.
An administrator or manager can set an amount limit for your accounts independently of the user profile in the user settings. These amounts are not visible here.

Figure: Permissions for fetch and send order types