If you have clicked on a line on page Gesendete Dateien, this page will open with detailed information on the send order and the accompanying ticket from the bank in the original, which means the original language. An overview of the individual payments optionally follows at the bottom of the page.
An order can contain several payments that match in payment type and originator if they have been signed together. You can cancel orders that have not yet been fully signed in the send order details. Signing is not possible here. To do this, you must open the EDS overview. In the heading, you will see the order type and the number of the order you clicked on in the overview in brackets, e.g. CCT ZZZX.
Buttons for further actions are located above the details:
This button only appears if the displayed order can be canceled. Click on it to sign the cancelation order by entering a password. You will receive a message if the cancelation request has been rejected. This can happen if the status of the order has changed in the meantime, e.g. after the signatures have been completed by another subscriber or due to a timeout.
This button opens the customer protocol for the order in a dialog box. This can be printed, i.e. downloaded as a PDF file. The protocol is created by the bank and contains binding information on the processing of the order, including details of the signatures provided.
This button opens a dialog box in which you can save the order in its original format on your computer.
Click on this button to print the transmission report of the order as a PDF file. The accompanying ticket and the customer protocol are included in the transmission report by default. This can be set under Preferences – File transfers. The payment overview is also included by default and can be set by an administrator. If there are messages from the bank for the order, the status report can be found at the end of the transmission report. Depending on the browser settings, the PDF file is displayed in a new browser window or a dialog window for saving the PDF file is opened.
Figure: Details of a send order