
In the menu Orders you can find all the functions for the distributed electronic signature (EDS) and file transfers.

Under Sent files, you can send a payment file, which for example has been exported from another program, directly to the bank and thus submit an order. If such a file is not available to you, you can also enter a payment manually. The necessary functions can be found in the Payments menu. There, the payment is also signed and thus the order is submitted to the bank. If a second signature is required for approval, the order appears again here in the EDS overview.

In the overview Retrieved files, you can see the files that were transferred from the bank to BL Banking Web. These include account statements or the customer protocol. You do not have to retrieve these files manually, but can have that done automatically by a fetch schedule in the settings. In addition, files are retrieved from the bank, when certain overviews are updated, e.g. Sent files.

Order and file

The terms Order and File are synonymous here, as a file is sent to the bank when an order is submitted. The information is also transferred from the bank to the customer as files.

Submit and approve

In most cases, the subscriber who has submitted an order has also signed it for the first time. The descriptions in this manual are based on this case. Therefore, the term Submit here means the first signing and sending to the bank, whereas Appove means adding the missing signature.

Topics in this chapter: