On this page you can edit the data of an AWV notification of type Services/Capital.
Select here one of the participants created by yourself. The entries in the drop-down list correspond to the rows in the overview AWV participants.
Herewith you specify whether this notification is about revenues or expenses.
Here the service code according to Notes on the coding list for the balance of payments statistics is entered. You can find this document on the website of the Bundesbank under Service - Reporting systems - External sector - Code lists.
During the entry of a digit a list of service codes is invoked. However you can also manually enter a value, which is not on the list.
Enter a reference for identification of this notification here. For this there are 35 alpha numeric characters available.
This field contains the amount of money of incoming or outgoing payments, if applicable accumulated. Thereby the values should be rounded.
Here you can enter any arbitrary reference data for the purpose of identification in case of questions. As with the Report reference there are 35 alpha numeric characters available. You can use this field for example if the original amount is in a currency other than Euro.
This is used to identify settlements and contributions of goods.
According to ISO 3166 the country code consists of two capital letters, e.g. "FR" for France. For international organizations pseudo codes are used; they consist of a numeral and a capital letter, e.g. "4F" for the European Central Bank.
The 2-digit ISO alpha country code and the codes for the international organizations are to be used according to the List of countries for foreign trade and payments statistics of the Federal Republic of Germany. You can also find this on the website of the Bundesbank under Service - Reporting systems - External sector - Code lists. This list is updated annually.
The services, which are at the basis of the payment, must be described detailed and meaningful.
By activating this field the notification is marked as cancelled. In the report file a minus sign is then added to the amount in the notification.
This field can be used for messages of the originator.
Figure: Form for recording of report data for services/capital