
As a user, I have forgotten my password. How do I get a new password?

An administrator or manager of your client can reset your password in the BL Banking Web user administration. You will receive a temporary password that you can use once to log in and must immediately replace with a new password.

If you lose your password, the EBICS accesses at your banks will also be affected. If this was not initiated when the password was reset, you must inform the banks so that you can reinitialize your bank connections.

Then, reinitialize all bank connections, see the chapter Settings – Banks – Initialization.

FAQ 253

I can no longer log in to BL Banking Web. Message: The user has been locked. How can I unlock my user?

Either an administrator or manager has locked your login or you have entered your data incorrectly.

You must contact an administrator or manager to unlock your login again. However, this will only help if you are sure that your login details are correct.

If you have lost your login details, an administrator or manager can assign you a new user name and, if necessary, a one-time password. When logging in with the new login data, you must assign a new password. Ask your administrator/manager about the applicable password requirements for BL Banking Web.

Important: For security reasons, resetting the password also involves resetting your EBICS access. You must reinitialize at all banks. This must be enabled by the bank. It is possible that the administrator/manager will inform your banks by EBICS message. If not, you must contact all banks personally.

Note: An administrator can unlock users and other administrators. An administrator can only be unlocked by another administrator.

See FAQ 283

FAQ 254

I can no longer log in to BL Banking Web. Message: User unknown or password incorrect. How can I check my login details?

Your entries do not match the saved login data. You can rule out typing errors when entering the password by clicking on the "eye" button behind the password field (from version 1.17.3).

  1. Contact an administrator or manager. Administrators must contact another administrator.
  2. If your user name has been changed, you can log in with the new name and the old password.
  3. If your password is reset, you will receive a one-time password that you must change immediately when you log in. Individual password requirements apply to passwords, which your administrator/manager will inform you about if required.

Important: For security reasons, resetting the password also involves resetting your EBICS access. You must reinitialize at all banks. This must be enabled by the bank. It is possible that the administrator/manager will inform your banks by EBICS message. If not, you must contact all banks personally. Orders, payments and other data at the banks are retained.

FAQ 255

As an administrator/manager, how can I help a user who can no longer log in?

Refer to the message that the user receives when logging in:

Edit user administration

An administrator can edit users, managers and other administrators in the user administration, a manager can only edit users and other managers.

  1. Search for the user in the user administration. If the user name entered here does not match the name entered when logging in, inform the user of the correct spelling.
  2. The error column in the user overview shows the number of failed login attempts since the last successful login.
  3. A black number indicates that the user still has at least one login attempt left.
  4. A red error message is displayed in the column if the user is blocked. User locked appears after too many failed login attempts, User locked by administrator appears after a manual lockout.
  5. To remove the lock, click on the Reset error counter button. The user can log in again with the correct name (see point 1.) and the old password.

The user has forgotten his password

You can reset the user's password, but for security reasons you can neither see user passwords nor assign permanent user passwords. After resetting, the user must reinitialize all EBICS accesses at his banks.

  1. Select the user in the user overview.
  2. Click on Reset user password in the More actions menu (or on the button of the same name in the user details).
  3. Assign a password in the Reset user password dialog box in accordance with the applicable password requirements. This password is only valid for one login. The user must change it immediately when logging in the next time.
  4. So that the user can reinitialize his banks immediately, the checkbox Enable the new initialization of the user on the bank side is set. Without this setting, the user must contact the banks personally.

FAQ 283