EBICS error messages
This error message can have the following causes:
The bank connection has not yet been released by the bank.
- You cannot submit any orders yet. Wait for release from the bank.
The keys used in your EBICS request do not match those stored at the bank.
- Ask the bank to reset your bank connection.
- Reinitialize the bank connection and send the new signed INI letter to the bank.
- Wait for release from the bank.
The bank has locked your bank connection.
FAQ 61001
This error message means that the EBICS message sent does not correspond syntactically to the EBICS specifications.
- Contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 61002
This error message means that an internal error has occurred during the processing of the EBICS request.
- Wait several minutes. Repeat the procedure.
- If the error still occurs, contact the bank.
FAQ 61099
This error message means that you do not have permission for the selected order type or BTF.
- Check whether the order type or BTF has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 90003
This error message means that you do not have permission for the selected order type.
- Check whether the order type has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 90003
This error message means that the subscriber is unknown or not in the correct state.
- Check whether the subscriber ID and the other data have been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank so that the subscriber is set to the "Not initialized" state. Successful initialization is only possible in the "Not initialized" state.
FAQ 91002
This error message means that your subscriber ID is unknown to the bank.
FAQ 91003
This error message means that your bank connection is not in a valid state. The state of your bank connection must be "Ready" to be able to execute this procedure. Depending on the state, proceed as follows:
Your state is "Deactivated".
- Activate your bank connection. Update your bank connection and check if the state of your bank connection is "Ready".
Your state is "Key change required".
- Renew your keys. Update your bank connection and check if the state of your bank connection is "Ready".
Your state is "Access locked" or "Not initialized".
- Initialize your bank connection and send the INI letter signed to the bank. If initialization is successful, your status changes to "Not yet activated".
Your state is "Not yet activated".
- Wait for release from the bank. Update your bank connection and check if the state of your bank connection is "Ready".
FAQ 91004
This error message means that the selected order type or BTF is unknown or inadmissible for use in EBICS.
- Check whether the order type or BTF has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 91005
This error message means that the selected order type is unknown or inadmissible for use in EBICS.
- Check whether the order type has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 91005
This error message means that the selected order type or BTF is not supported by the bank.
- Check whether the order type or BTF has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 91006
This error message means that the selected order type is not supported by the bank.
- Check whether the order type has been entered correctly.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 91006
This error message means that you are not authorized sign this order.
- Update your EDS overview.
FAQ 91007
This error message means that the bank keys you have entered are no longer up to date. The keys have been changed by the bank.
- Ask your bank for the hash values for the new keys.
- Update the respective bank connection.
- You will be asked to check the hash values of the keys. Compare the hash values displayed with those provided by the bank.
- If they match, accept the new keys.
FAQ 91008
This error message means that the EBICS message sent does not correspond to the specifications of the EBICS XML schema.
- Contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 91010
This error message means that the transmitted host ID is unknown on the bank side.
- Check whether the host ID has been entered exactly as communicated by the bank.
- If the entry is correct, contact the bank.
FAQ 91011
This error message means that the EBICS message sent does not correspond semantically to the EBICS specifications.
- Contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 91113
This error message means that you have tried to sign an order that has already been signed by another subscriber.
- Refresh the EDS overview. The order is no longer displayed.
FAQ 91114
This error message means that the current order number has already been used. The bank can only process orders with a unique order number.
- Check the EBICS version in the respective bank details.
- Up to EBICS 2.3, increase the order number on the "Bank" tab, e.g. from A009 to A00A, or from B123 to B1X0. Resubmit the order.
- As of EBICS 2.5, the order numbers are assigned by the bank and can no longer be changed in the bank details. Please contact your bank.
FAQ 91115
This error message means that the order is already signed completely or cancelled.
- Update your EDS overview.
FAQ 91115
This error message means that the EBICS request could not be processed. One possible cause is that the bank's server is currently not running properly.
- Wait several minutes. Repeat the procedure.
- If the error still occurs, contact the bank.
FAQ 91116
This error message means that an incorrect algorithm was used to generate the signature key.
- Generate a new key.
- If the error still occurs, contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 91201
This error message means that an incorrect algorithm was used to generate the authentication key.
- Generate a new key.
- If the error still occurs, contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 91202
This error message means that an incorrect algorithm was used to generate the encryption key.
- Generate a new key.
- If the error still occurs, contact your software manufacturer.
FAQ 91203
This error message means that the key length of signature key is not supported by the bank.
- Ask the bank about the permitted key length.
- Generate a new key with the permitted key length.
FAQ 91204
This error message means that the key length of authentication key is not supported by the bank.
- Ask the bank about the permitted key length.
- Generate a new key with the permitted key length.
FAQ 91205
This error message means that the key length of encryption key is not supported by the bank.
- Ask the bank about the permitted key length.
- Generate a new key with the permitted key length.
FAQ 91206
This error message means that the verification of the signature has failed. The keys used in your EBICS request do not match those stored at the bank.
- Ask the bank to reset your bank connection.
- Reinitialize the bank connection and send the new signed INI letter to the bank.
- Wait for release from the bank.
FAQ 91301
This error message means that the check of the account permission has failed.
FAQ 91302
This error message means that the check of the account amount limit has failed.
FAQ 91303
This error message means that you have already signed the order. You can only sign once per order.
FAQ 91306