
A bank has informed me that its accessibility via the Internet has changed (IP address and/or URL of the EBICS connection). What do I have to do as a user?

The URL of the EBICS connection is stored in the bank details. A user with access to this bank can change the details for all users.

  1. Open Settings – Banks.
  2. Click on the bank to open the bank details. The URL is on the first tab Bank.
  3. Click on the Edit button and change the URL as specified by the bank. Finish with Apply.

A changes to the IP address is important for your in-house IT, for example if a firewall only allows communication with known IP addresses. No change is required in BL Banking Web.

FAQ 256

What does my subscriber status at the banks mean?

The overview on the Settings – Banks page shows, among other things your own participant status at the bank.

Not initialized means that an administrator has activated the bank for you. As a user with bank access, you can now initialize yourself with the bank as described in the chapter Initialization. If you do not have a bank access, initialization is not possible.

Ready means that you have initialized with and have been activated by the bank. Between initialization and activation, the status Not yet activated applies for a short time.

Deactivated means that either you or an administrator have deactivated the bank access. On the bank side, access remains in the previous status, e.g. ready. You can view the bank and existing data, but you cannot edit, sign, delete/cancel or enter new payments. You can reactivate a deactivated access without reinitializing.

Locked means that you have locked your own bank access. Unlike deactivation, the lock also applies on the bank side, so that no transfers to the bank are possible. However, you can still enter orders, e.g. payments. To remove the lock, you must reinitialize the access.

Note: The banks are configured by an administrator or manager of the tenant. The overview of banks only shows you the banks available to you. There may be other banks in the system to which you have not been assigned.

FAQ 257

I have locked my bank access. How can I unlock it again?

You must reinitialize the bank access. A reset at the bank is not necessary.

  1. Select Settings – Banks. The column "Participant status" shows "Access locked".
  2. Select the locked bank in the first column.
  3. Select Do initialization from the More actions menu.
  4. Your saved data is displayed in the Initialize dialog box. Click on Initialize and enter your password. You can ignore the following note on activating the access at the bank.

FAQ 258

As an administrator, how do I add a bank that is not on the list of known banks?

As an administrator, you can add any bank under Settings – Banks. The list of known banks is an aid for recording.

  1. Click on New bank details under Settings - Banks.
  2. Scroll through the Known banks selection list. You can search for text in the list:
    • Open the list with the arrow at the end of the field.
    • Start the search function of the browser.
  3. If the desired bank is not in the list, fill in the input fields manually.
  4. Transfer the data provided by the bank into the corresponding fields. Also compare an entry from the selection list Known banks with the data provided.
    • Fill in at least the marked mandatory fields.
    • Add further optional data such as hash values and settings, e.g. the users.

FAQ 271

As an administrator, how do I set up a new bank account?
  1. Open Settings – Banks and click on the button New bank details.
  2. You have two options for filling in the fields:
    • Select a bank from the Known banks selection list. The advantage is that preconfigured data is transferred. However, the data provided by the bank is decisive. Add further optional data such as hash values and settings. OR:
    • Enter all data manually in the corresponding fields. Fill in at least the marked mandatory fields.
  3. Assign users to the bank. This is also possible at a later date.
  4. If you are setting up a bank access for yourself, you can initialize your bank access directly afterwards. You will need your subcriber ID from the bank for this. The other assigned users must carry out their initialization themselves.

Note: Managers of the tenant are also authorized to set up new bank accounts.

FAQ 273

As an administrator/manager, how can I configure the bank connections of the users?

User administration

Bank settings

Note: Users can also deactivate their own bank accesses that are ready by themselves, e.g. to continue to view account statements but no longer process orders.

FAQ 277

As a user, can I add my own icons for banks?

No, this is not possible for users.

BL Banking Web comes with a range of neutral icons that you can select when setting up and editing banks. Icons of well-known banks are also included, but the selection is limited. If you urgently need more icons, please contact the support.

Note: The installation directory of BL Banking Web contains a copy of ICO files (size 16 × 16 pixels, 0.6 × 0.6 cm). However, the application does not read this folder. Icons are retrieved from the web server in Base64 encoding.

FAQ 281